If you want the fastest results then do this exercise for a minimum of 5 min and do it 6 times a day. You will build up momentum and over time the energy will be greater the more often you do this. Over time you will feel yourself get lighter, less heavy, as the energies fill you.
This is an unlimited supply of energy, this allows you to share this energy with others. “What you do for others you also do for yourself” This means you will actually increase your own energies when you share this energy. To do so visualize a flow of energy from your heart to anyone and visualize it being accepted with gratitude. You may/will notice their energy increasing and their frame of mind improving. The book “
The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield is an excellent read. The book is also a great way to understand energies and especially the significance and importance of raising our vibration. The Celestine Prophecy movie is also awesome in demonstrating energies as they show the energies flowing in the movie. You will find that this exercise will free you of the need to unconsciously get your energy from others. This will reduce the need or compulsion to resort to your control dramas, herein lies freedom.