Energy Healing and Entity Clearing
Channeling healing energies through hands smaller size
Audwin Trapman
USA | Canada | Worldwide
2025 - 24 Years Experience!

Heart Perception

We have been fooled into thinking that our heads are where we live. This is a grand deception to keep us from experiencing the Light that we are. At some point you will decide that it is time to know your Truth, when that time arrives you will want to know how to move your consciousness from your head to your Heart. Once in your heart you will experience total calm, you will feel the energy flowing in your whole body, and you will experience a totally quiet mind with not a single thought running through it. Peace, truly. Here is how you do that.

Important note: I encourage everyone to try this because the difference between this exercise and others you may have tried before is this one actually moves your consciousness into your Heart Center instead of just being a third party observer of your Heart Center, (ie. just focusing your attention on your Heart Center). Both have their rewards but at some point the shift to actually being in our Heart has to happen.
Visualize a ball of Light in your head. The ball of Light is your consciousness

Let the ball of Light sink down your neck, your spine, until it reaches heart height. Relax any tension in your head, your scalp.

Visualize your Heart opening and the ball of Light entering your Heart.

Hold the Light in your heart and keep your head relaxed.
At this point you will feel an entirely new sensation. Your Heart will energetically blossom and your energies will expand very noticeably. It is not uncommon to need to take a deep breath. These are good signs that you are on the way to the shift to Heart Perception.

The mind/ego will attempt to kick you out of your Heart, so please don’t be surprised to find yourself back in your head again. At first this will happen within seconds. Success is dependent on repeating this exercise for days/weeks/months or however long it takes until you can hold yourself in your Heart every minute of every day. You will find that your mind will try to bring you back into your head with worrying thoughts or stories. Tempting as it is to linger on those thoughts just recognize them for the attempts at distraction that they are and bring your Light back into your heart. At some point you will notice that when you are in your heart your mind goes silent, it is like a switch is flipped that silences your thoughts. If it is your goal to live in the NOW then you will find this shift very helpful.
Ideally shift to your Heart anytime you find yourself having to make a decision, or find yourself in a challenging situation, or are having negative thoughts. The Heart has all of the wisdom of your brain at its call and also Divine connection to the Light.

Helpful tip: Try doing this exercise in the bathtub WITH YOUR EARS UNDER WATER. Listen to your heartbeat under water, relax, and then after a few minutes of relaxing simply let the ball of Light travel to your heart. I have also found it helpful to do this shift when half asleep…

I have received very positive feedback from people saying that they have experienced all that I describe here. Other feedback were from some people indicating that they are having troubles. I offer my healing services to those who wish to shift to their Hearts and heal any Soul Issues that may be standing in your way. Soul work will shorten the amount of time that you struggle before you succeed.

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