Energy Healing and Entity Clearing
Channeling healing energies through hands smaller size
Audwin Trapman
USA | Canada | Worldwide
2025 - 24 Years Experience!

Entity Clearing and Entity Attachments!

How do you know if you need Dark entity clearing? Do you have entity attachments?  Your life will tell you!  Surely your life is giving you many signs that something is wrong, which is why you are here now.

I hear from clients all the time how “I am their last chance” before they give up, as they have tried many other healers, and often have spent all their money with no results.  The Dark entities and attachments are still there.
I can remove those Spirits and Dark Entities.  I am only satisfied once your LIFE HAS CHANGED!!! Your life should change when the Dark Entities, attachments, and Spirits are gone, if the suffering is continuing then they are still there.  

Real life changing healing is the only true indicator of complete removal of the Dark Entities, Attachments, and Spirits!  Reports claiming success are irrelevant... life changing healing is what counts!

What is Entity Clearing?

Entity Clearing is when Beings are in your energy field and Aura, and they are removed by an experienced healer. These entities mess with your life and can cause great hardship, see the list below.  Often your life doesn't return to normal until the entities are removed from you and your energy field.  So receiving an entity clearing can be life freeing, and life saving for many.  Would you rather be free or would you like to continue as you are with the entities?  Soul Retrieval is included in all of my work, as no true healing can be accomplished if pieces are missing.   Soul Retrieval is a standard part of my work.

Entity Removal Near me

Are you looking for Entities Clearing near you? If so please understand that distance is not a factor in entity removal. Many people believe that in person sessions are stronger than distance healing... but the truth is that it is the ability of the healer that is the one and only factor. If the entities affecting you are a minor inconvenience and not really all that strong then sure go with someone local who is not a specialist. But if the entities are disrupting your life then go with a healer who is a specialist in entities removal. If that healer is as good as he or she claims then he or she would have been severely attacked over and over again while trying to help others and themselves. This trial by fire is what forces the healer to work on their own protections and withstand the attacks of the biggest and strongest entities out there. If a healer claims that all entities are the same, and they are all easy to deal with, then for sure that healer has never dealt with the biggest and strongest, and therefore has not been considered a threat by the entities world.  So I highly recommend basing your decisions on ability and successful track record and not location near you.

It Takes a Team of Angels to be an Excellent Entity Remover and Healer

All healers start on their own, with no team.  But over many years if the healer is fully committed to doing entities work then he or she will attract the attention of the specialist Angels.  The Angels will then work hand in hand with the healer to train him or her, and to open the healer up to be able to channel the amount of energies needed for entities work... and most importantly will keep the healer safe... as getting attacked is part of the growth process.  I hear of healers whose lives are ruined, or are even now dead, because they took on more than they could deal with, they had no real Angelic team behind them.  Yes they likely had ancestors and other Beings behind them, but not specialist Angels.  This is why it takes a Team of Angels to be Excellent, only Angels can deal with some of the truly evil Beings out there!  A team of Angels is earned.  It is not just given to anyone.  It is also specific to the healer, and if the healer retires then the team does not necessarily pass on to a husband or anyone else.  Everyone at all times is held to the same devotion, training, and the same requirements to work with specialist Angels.

A few Google Reviews: (Click here for the full versions and many more)

  • When I first came to find Audwin on line -which I believe today was a much higher power directed me to him. I was terrified & begged him for help. I was being tortured by something(s) I had no idea what was happening, I felt I was losing my mind! It would not let me sit still or sleep they followed me everywhere. There was no escaping them. I had sent Audwin my story, he asked for a picture of me & he started working on it immediately... Today I am Free, feel light (heaviness is gone) & very happy!! I was truly blessed to find Audwin , there are not enough words to thank him for what he has done for me.
    Shirley L.
  • I went to see Audwin for an entity problem I was having. I am a very sensitive person and prior to was learning a lot about astrology, numerology and other spiritual things. I was hearing negative voices in my head, feeling very cold, drained, depressed and anxious.... I no longer have the negative thoughts and the anxiety is gone. It was very dark during that time and I am so very thankful for his calming presence and assurance.
  • I found Audwin Trapman via google search. I sensed that something was very much wrong with my son and it was... Audwin helped to bring my son home and then helped to heal him from all that he was exposed to... Thank you, Audwin, for making this your life's work.
    The stuff he clears is incredible, even that which was in me.
    Much Love, Deborah

Why I Am So Successful at Entity Clearing, and Entity Attachments

The only way to permanently clear a dark entity or attachment out of your life and energy field is to heal the root causes/affinities between the person and the entity or spirit in your energetic field, and most importantly to your Soul, and the missing pieces with Soul Retrieval. Once there are no longer any anchors holding them in place... They have no choice but to leave.

I do this remotely, by sending High Vibration Love Healing Energies every day for 4 weeks, flooding you with Healing Light!  By working with the vibration of Love, the Holy Spirit, and the Power of the Healing Angels, my spiritual team and I are able to permanently clear and remove affinities to the entities. The Angels who work directly with me take away the entity or spirit. Once the affinities are healed, these entities, Spirits and attachments do not return.

Many people think they are imagining the Entity manipulations and attacks, and that it is all in their heads. It is not, it is real! They can affect your life, your mind and your emotions, and of those around you. And really understanding that you are under entity control and manipulation can change your life. These Beings only get away with it because they are invisible. You can be free of them.
When you are ready to get started.

How Do You Know if You Have An Entity Attachment or Spirit Attachment?

Entities and Spirits Attachments have many common symptoms:
Voices Speaking To You In Your Mind, Some Are Cruel, Some Pretending To be Kind and Helpful.
Your Emotions Are Manipulated, Causing Anxiety And Stress, And Emotional Outbursts.
You Feel There Is An Unseen Presence Around You, Or “Something Is Just Not Right.”
You Hear Knocking, Footsteps, Doors Opening Or Closing, Things Moving Inexplicably, And other paranormal, And Other Spirit Attention Seeking Activity.
You Feel Cold Spots, Have Goose Bumps, Or Chills. These Are The Entities And Spirits Near You.
Unexplainable Pain, Especially The Neck, Shoulders Or Back.
You Are Cold When Others Are Warm Because Your Energy Is Being Drained. Read More Here
You Can Feel Them On Your Body. The Lower Legs Is A Common Place For Entities Or Spirits, As Are All The Chackras. Head, Arms, Hands, Back, Sexual Locations, Anywhere Really.
You Get A Strange Inappropriate Feeling Of Happiness When Something Bad Happens.
You Have Trouble Getting Along With Other People And You Push Each Other’s Buttons. Other People Do Not Enjoy Being Around You. They Also May Walk On Eggshells Around You For Fear Of How You Fly Off The Handle Out Of The Blue.
You Can Smell Sulphur At Times.
You Experience “Hands” Around Your Throat Chocking You, And Sometimes It Blocks Your Ability To Breath.
You Struggle With Depression, Anxiety, Or Manic Depressive Mood Swings.
You Have Unexplainable Heart Palpitations.
You Have Compulsive Thoughts, Behavior, Desires, Or Impulses.
You Find That Despite Your Best Efforts, You Are Not Getting Results With Psychotherapy.
You Have A Deceased Family Member Who Is Attached To You By Not Moving Off The Earth Plane Into The Light.
Children Are Afraid Of Certain Rooms Or Areas.
Dogs And Cats Stare At The Unknown, And Can Be Manipulated.
You Have Nightmares, Or Bad Dreams, Night Panic, And Can Even Be Sexually Molested In Your Sleep. The Spirits And Entities Are Entering Your Dreams And Space As You Sleep.
You Have Trouble Sleeping. Just As You Are About To Fall Asleep, An Energy Surge Forces You Wide Awake Again. The Entities And Spirits Like It When You Are Exhausted, As They Have Easier Access To You
You Have Trouble Thinking, And Can Experience Brain Fog.
You Have Trouble Taking Action. You Sit And Accomplish Very Little With Your Days. Not Showering Or Taking Care Of Self, Ignoring Personal Hygiene.
You Hear Fear Inducing Voices Speaking To You, And Even Telling You What To Do.
You Are Feeling Blocked, Held Back, Cursed Or That You Have Bad Luck.
You Live A Life Of Isolation. Anxiety Can Pop Up Instantly To Stop You From Going Out.
You Live In A Basement! Often This Is How The Entities First Get In To You. Entities Love Basements!
You Have Suicidal Thoughts. Entities And Spirits Love To Cause Suicides.
You Are Challenged By Alcohol Or Drug Addiction. These Are Typically Dead Humans Who Have Not Passed To The Light, And Are Trying To Experience The Addiction Through You.
You Have Unexplained Blockages In Your Colon. (A Common Area For Entities To Reside).
You Experience That A Family Member Or Friend Is Controlled By Unexplainable Anger, Addiction, Mood Swings, Or Suicidal Thoughts.
Interfere With The Running Of Electrical Appliances And Circuits, Cell Phones And Computers, Lights, And Smoke Detectors.

The Truth About Entity Clearing and Entity Attachment

Dark Entities, Demons, and Spirits are life forms that see you as their property, they enter into your energy field, and your physical body... and usually want to cause harm, pain and suffering. They feed off your energy, and leave you feeling drained and unsettled. Although there are excellent healers and shamans who are successful at clearing entities in the short term by “sending them into the Light,” the reality in most situations is that the entities almost always return unless the root causes for them being there are healed.

Why Do The Entities, Spirits, and Entity Attachments return?

The reason for this is that when an entity or spirit is present, there is always an energetic Root Cause, an affinity, between the person, the Soul, energy field, and the entities- there is an energetic/magnetic link or connection with your Soul, even a dependence. This can result from unresolved issues related to present or past lives. Many entities, entity attachments follow us lifetime to lifetime. This is where Soul Retrieval is especially important.  You can also get new ones in this lifetime as a result from a weakened Auric Field, and emotional state (abuse, anger, rage, anxiety, fear, stress, addictions, malnutrition) whereby the entity is able to access holes in the Auric field. Having sex with people who have entities is also a very common way to get them!

Many People with entities often no longer have free will; the entities often tell them what to do, and manipulate them emotionally. They typically live lives of isolation and live in fear and constant anxiety. Often they are under psychic attack and emotional attack, and threats are made of bad things happening if the entities are not obeyed. These types of clients need a gentle approach to healing as the person who is afflicted can have quite high anxiety.

My success rate is Very High, EVEN FOR THOSE WHO GAVE UP HOPE! And those who have tried every other healer out there!
Get started Today!

Interview on Entities, Curses, and ghosts.

This Interview is from 2015, but it is still exactly what I would say if I were being interviewed today.  This is a broad ranging interview with lots of great information.  I believe it will really help you.
Djinn are other categories of invisible Beings harming you, and they often come with Black Magic

Do you suffer from other concerns not Entity Clearing related. Have a look at my Energy Healing Services to learn more. 
Audwin Trapman: Entity Removal Expert; Entity Clearing, entity and Spirit Attachment, and Spirit Release | Worldwide.
If it is in your awareness then that means it has come up for healing. Click HERE to get started.  Send me an email at today!

VIDEO BELOW: 4 years and no one could help her until she came to me. I am very glad to have been able to help her and her then husband! It was Spirit Possession, not Schizophrenia!

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